Česky (CS) 
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The VWAC Categories, Programmes and their Sequences

There are links to the "Known" sequences (PDF file) in the table.
There are no links to the "Unknown" sequences because the Competition is running. I will send it to you by e-mail upon your request.
Categories Programmes
Primary Known PDF 291 KiB Unknown
Sportsman Known PDF 338 KiB Unknown
Intermediate Known PDF 329 KiB or Free Known Unknown
Advanced Known PDF 354 KiB or Free Known Unknown
Unlimited Known PDF 343 KiB or Free Known Unknown
Unlimited Freestyle (4 minutes)

For Intermediate, Advanced and Unlimited I offered one ready-made Known sequence. But if you want, you could fly Free Known = use 5 compulsory figures + 5 own figures according to CIVA rules (described below). Use the "OpenAero" software for design the sequence and send me your sequence as ".seq" file by e-mail.

The logo in the upper left corner of the sequence-forms indicates who (which club) wrote the sequence.

About Intermediate, Advanced and Unlimited Free Known sequences

There are five "Known" figures (different for each categories) selected and published by CIVA Plenary (shown below). Each of these must be used in any order and any orientation at any position within the sequence, tough their design must remain unchanged. You must add five "Free" figures to design your personal 10 figures "Free Known" sequence. Overall the sequence must conform to regulations (PDF) that define the versatility required and the maximum K allowed.

Intermediate five "Known" figures. K = 200 MAX:
INT Five Known

Advanced five "Known" figures. K = 320 MAX:
ADV Five Known

Unlimited five "Known" figures. K = 450 MAX:
UNL Five Known

You have to use the "OpenAero" software version for design the sequence. This SW contains the set of five "Known" figures and Rules for design the sequence. Just set "Sequence info" (see the picture below) and observe the "Alerts".
Alerts is empty when your sequence is correct.

OpenAero -->