It is simply what you have to do:
A – Preparing for flying
- Instal actual Scenery.
- Know Rules for pilots.
- Chose your category(ies).
B – Flying
- Fly your competition flight(s). Off-line! = How many times you want.
- Save a replay or internal video file of each flight.
C – Data admistration
- Chose the best flight.
- Make 2 videos of your best flight. One from the judge-place, one from the cockpit.
- Register to the competition.
- Send the videos.
Now in detail:
A – Preparing for flying
- Download and instal the Scenery.
Chose the right category for you. This Year you can fly Primary
or Sportsman or Intermediate or Unlimited category. You can choose more than one category!
See Rules menu to get some information about categories and symbols in sequences.
- For Known programme download the competition sequence for this Year.
You have time for flying and sending flight-videos until the end of the Competition.
- For Unknown programme ask me for the compete sequence via e-mail (vwac(at) anytime you want
during the Competition. But at the latest 7 days before the end of the competition.
I will send you the sequence. Then you have only 7 days for sending flight-videos.
- For Freestyle programme (in Unlimited category only) - there is no prescribed sequence. It depends on
your creativity only.
- Print the sequence and put it next to the monitor or just show it on the second monitor.
Good thing is to learn the sequence -> More time for concentration to flight, less time looking
to the sequence. The "Aerobatic dance" is
helpful to learn the sequence.
Make sure where is the main axis, where are Judges and how the official wind direction is.
See Scenery for this year.
Check the Altimeter (Zero on Ground!) and amount of Fuel (not too much: more Fuel = more load
= less Performance)!
- Let pop-up some clouds on the Sky for better visual reference of your position.
B – Flying
Make a Flight #1. Smoke on! This is for better visibility of your flight-trajectory.
Save the flight you just flown - to be able to replay them later.
Who know, maybe this is the best one.
If your sim can not save flight (FS2004, FSX), then make two Flight Videos from replay:
A: Video from the Judge view. Zoom to see the aircraft like on this picture:
B: Video from the Cockpit View.
Switch between Front and Back view-direction during recording. It depends of the Ground position
- the Ground must be always visible in the video. This is for Roll-angle reference.
How to make and save Videos - see information in Video recording menu.
Are you satisfied with this flight?
Yes -> Go to C.
No -> Fly again #2, #3, #4, coffee, #5, #6, #7, Go sleep – Try it the next day.
Save the Replay (X-Plane) or the videos (FS..) of each Flight! You can choose
the best one later.
C – Data administration
Choose The Best flight if you have more records.
Make two videos from the chosen flight (if you have not yet them):
A: Video from the Judge view. Zoom to see the aircraft like on this picture:
B: Video from the Cockpit View. Switch between Front and Back view-direction
during recording. It depends on the Ground position - the Ground must be always visible in the video.
This is for Roll-angle reference.
How to make these videos - see information in Video recording menu.
Rename the video files as "VWAC_Category_Program_Name_Judge" and "VWAC
"Name" replace by your Name. "Category" and "Program" replace by ... I think it is clear :-)
Write an e-mail with your identification data:
- Registration data if you don't make it yet.
- Just your name (and Surname) and Category if you are already registered.
If you want, store those videos on YouTube. Make sure the video of Unknown programme is not public until end of this year!
You do not want to let other competitors to know the Unknown sequence. ;-)
Attach the video files or links (YouTube) to the e-mail described above and send it all to
D – Relax and wait for results
Or repeat for another category if you compete in more than one category.