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Periskop Stránky věnované všem, kteří si rádi občas zalítají v Microsoft Flight Simulatoru nebo X-Plane. Najdete na nich ke stažení nová letadla, krajiny a můžete diskutovat na diskuzním fóru.
Forum XPL cz Fórum o všem co se děje kolem simulátoru X-Plane.
Founded in 1999, PC Pilot was acquired by Key Publishing in 2005. PC Pilot brings sense and expert opinion to the exciting and often daunting world of flight simulation. Contributors include many real-world pilots and aviation professionals to ensure that what you read is as real as it gets!
simFlight Flight Simulation News Network!
PCFlight PCFlight is an independent Flight Simulation News and Reviews website. Founded in late 2014 we are a trusted resource for FS Pilots across the world!
This site is open to all and no access fees are charged. This site is devoted to the hobby of computer flight simulation where people use their PC's along with suitable software and control devices to simulate flying in aircraft.
X-Plane Forum LARGEST FLIGHT SIM WEBSITE in the world, and where all the virtual fun happens.
X-Plane.org has been in operation since the year 2000, making us one of the oldest Flight sim websites in operation. X-Plane.org is an independent community forum focused on discussion for X-Plane and X-Plane add-ons.
X-Plane Forum Database for flight-simulation- addons.
On this server you will find also all User-Addons for Aerofly FS2.